Whilst I was on holiday, I took the opportunity to do some crochet. I have found it very enjoyable and relaxing. I recently went on a 6 week course and only managed to attend 4 due to circumstances, one of them being a leak in our lounge ruining our carpet in the end. Things happen for a reason...Now it gives me the excuse to paint the floor boards white! :0))
I still have plenty to learn about crochet but am having a go at trying to make things from books.
I started making a circular cushion but had to go back to the beginning as I think my tension was wrong. It would not lay flat, my daughter complemented me of the lovely frilly circle....and sweetly said it looked great and not to start again.
Rowan Wool Colour: Pier
I don't think it's meant to look like that, is it? I think my tension was too tight somewhere along the line?..It should be as flat a pancake I think?... I will be popping in to Marmalade Yarns in Frome where my course was held for some advice.....Maxine and Catriona are wonderful, never too much trouble when it comes to help and advice!

I also made several blue, red & white cotton squares. These will go in the lounge.

I think that they will end up as a cushion
This is one of the very first things I began to make a few weeks ago and will end up as a blanket when I have made more squares. It is likely to end up in Miss P's bedroom.

I love pinks and yellow together

My very first jar cover in Patons Mercerized cotton
One of my stashes of yarn....More in my bedroom and workroom...
A bientôt!
Isabelle x
Love your red, blue and white cotton squares!
Can't wait to see the finished pillow!
I spotted a book I was given last Christmas in your own collection :))
Your crochet is so pretty! I'm beginning to wonder if I should learn...
I see you have Caroline Zoob's Childhood Treasures, don't you just LOVE that book?
Mel xxx
Isabelle, your crochet looks wonderful...i really like the red, white and blue ones...not usually my thing...but i think they would look wonderful made into a blanket
Your crochet looks fantastic! I love the jar covers.
My friend is trying to teach me crochet at the moment!
Victoria xx
After seeing your crochet I may have to learn how to do that myself! It is so darling...my Mom always crocheted and of course while she was still with us I didn't want to learn. I think my sister learned...hmmm
You're doing so well for a beginner, Isabelle, you clearly have the knack! Sorry to hear about your carpet but look forward to seeing the floorboards.
Hen x
I love the pretty little pink and yellow Grannies ~ they are beautiful and will make a lovely blanket for your little girl :O)
I'm impressed! Those red, white and blue squares are fantastic - I'm looking for something like that myself, but unfortunately don't have the skills or the inclination to learn them...
I love those ice cream colours and your pretty bookshelves. But then again I also like the patriotic red white and blue. I can't help much with the crochet circle as it looks just like the ones I have made, it's a circle with character.
I have loved crocheting granny squares through the years...and it's been a long long time, but you have really inspired me to get busy again. I think I'll wait until the weather cools though. Love your samples!
Your crochet looks great. I tried to elarn a while back and got as far as the chain and then the rest was a mystery! Must try again.
I like your colour combinations.
Lisa x
I love your crochet squares. Your circle may be a bit frilly because you are increasing too much - are you following a pattern. I too live in Somerset and have spent time living in France as well!
I will continue to follow your blog now that I have found you - thanks for your comment on mine too. Maybe we will meet up one day?!
I love to sit and crochet....you have chosen such lovely colour combinations!
Waw Isabelle! You're very clever! I've learnt to do crochet so what you make looks very impossible for me!!!
Have a nice day tomorrow!
Big hugs
We'll be glad to see you, haven,t you done well, yes probaslbly too mant stitches on the circle! lol maxine
I love your colours in your squares, I think i might start gathering a selection of cotton yarn and do a summer blanket in seaside summer colours, thank you for inspiring me... I think you may have increased to much with your circle... that would probably account for the areas of raised crochet... circles are not the easiest... especially when the pattern says "increase evenly by ?" as I have to sit and work out how many stitches I have to do inbetween... oohhh that makes my head hurt! ;D
Usually the circles work in a hexagan type patern so your crocheting into the same space happens in the same place each time.. but being able to recognise the stitch is half the battle... keep trying and you'll get it in the end...
you are doing fantastically for a beginner... well done you x
Take care
I am hoping to go on a crochet course this Autumn! I would like "hen" from the Henhouse to be my mentor and I would like you to be my special advsisor!!!
I shouldn't think that will geographically diifficult to organise! teehee :D
Love Sarah x
Just to let you know I am having a giveaway, pop over and leave a comment and I will pop your name in the hat!
Wow, it all looks wonderful! I absolutely love your jar cover, it is sooo cute!
Laura x
Fabulous crochet! xxxx
nice blog
You crochet is gorgeous.
I love settling down to do a spot of crochet. I find it so relaxing.
I'm loving all the colors you are using to make your squares! Very lovely! Circles are hard to get down just right, but once you get it to work, it keeps coming to you easily. Have fun!
Hello :)
Your crochet is coming on so well isnt it? You must be very proud of yourself - I love the colours you are working with too.
Thank you for your message on my blog today, that was lovely - I think I might be doing prints of the new painting eventually, and I will hopefully be able to get it on my website in the next few weeks - well, after all the dirty jobs are done in our house (it does take rather a long time when you do up a house yourself doesn't it, but the satisfaction of creating a new space in your home is just the best and worth all the effort!)
Sending lots of love
Julia xxx
You really got the go of crochet! I was trying too the other day. After some trial and error I was very pleased to crochet some little flowers. Well I can see that I have to put the bar much higher to jump high too!
It's wonderful to finally catch up on your posts. It looks like you're getting the hang of crocheting quite well. I've never learned how to make granny squares but my mom did and I wish now she had taught me.
Thanks for joining the giveaway!
Good luck!
Lovely crochet squares, Isabelle. Keep going!
I love the carving of the white bird on a stand. It is a touch of nature, it is a quiet participant in the room.
Well done Isabelle, your crotchet is wonderful. I would also like to learn to crotchet but unfortunately there are no courses on crotchet in Guernsey so I think I will have to get one of those beginners’ books for kids and see how I go. Your squares for Miss P are a lovely mix of colours; so often people get the colours combinations a bit out of kilter and the finished product does not do justice to all their hard work. Your eye for colour is a fab and as a result your end product will be no doubt!
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