This is what one of you will win....

2 Quilt blocks

A vintage square tablecloth

A white heart shaped cushion cover and a little Laura Ashley bag

Vintage fat quaters, a Welsh Love spoon and a note book

To enter this giveaway, all you have to do is leave a comment on this post, that's all!
One entry per individual to keep it fair for everyone taking part please. Thank you.
Anyone can enter the giveaway, you don't have to have a blog.
I will post worldwide.
I have REALLY enjoyed blogging, I have got so much more out of it than I ever expected. I have discovered so many lovely and inspiring blogs, have made friends with some lovely fellow bloggers and been in touch with some whom I have not met yet.
I had not expected it to be such a friendly community. It had not occured to me that it would be like that when I first started out. So... a BIG THANK YOU for following my blog, sending me emails, leaving comments and last but not least....for your friendship ;-)
ATTIC UPDATE: The loss adjuster has had a look at it today and guess what..? It's not covered.... A roofer is coming to have a look at it on Monday, we'll be told more about the extent of it then.
A bientôt!
Isabelle X
Congrats on your first blogversary!
May there many more!!
Congrats! on your anniversary giveaway, Suzy. Isn't it wonderful the warm loving friends we have in this hugs 'family'? Your gifts are fabulous. TY
Have a beautiful day ~
Hugs, Marydon
Bon anniversaire de blog!!!
Kiss of Provence.
Congratulations on your blogging anniversary!!! What lovelies!!! What a pity about your roof!!! Typical insurance company tactics!!!
Hi Isabelle,
Hope everything goes fine on Monday.
And Happy Blogsversary! It is so amazing to be in this blog community, meet inspiring people and all. I wish many more years of happy blogging to come to you.
Hi Isabelle
What lovely gifts you are offering in your 'Giveaway', please can I be entered. I'm relatively new at blogging and I must say 'crafty' ladies make a lovely community.
Gill - The Vintage Gardener
What a lovely prize, Isabelle! I would love to be entered.
I'm so sorry you received such bad news from the insurance company. I was keeping my fingers crossed for you.
May I be one of the first to congratulate you on the first anniversary of your beautiful blog Isabelle.
I am really sorry you have this worry with your roof and it does not surprise me about the insurance, just typical. x
Happy Blogiversary! Looks like a lovely giveaway. xx
Hi Isabelle,
Congrats on your 1 yr Anniversay!
Wow..Thanks for this giveaway..
Btw,already your follower at your blog,I like your blog =)
Sorry about your attic, I hope its not too costly. Happy Blogaversary. I'd love to enter your litte giveaway please, I really enjoy reading your blog. xxx Pixie xxx
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE all of the things that you are giving away!!! Lovely.
So sorry about your roof what a pain! typical of insurance. Hope you sort everything out soon.
What a lovely giveaway. Congratualtions on blogging for a year. I would love to enter your giveaway.
Good luck with the roofer.
Congrats on your first blogging anniversary! It's such a great way to spend a bit of time isn't it. Dipping into the lives of others, recording family memeories, making new friends, discovering new crafts and endless inspiration in all manner of things.
Sorry to hear about the roof business though.
Lisa x
Happy have a wonderful blog! Please enter me into your giveaway...I would love anyone of the items listed.
Happy Blogday! It has been a pleasure to read your posts. Lotsa love, Lizzie x
Hi Isabelle..congrats on your one year
sorry to hear about your roof...those are some sweet goodies you are giving away....please enter me in for the draw...Have a Blessed day...
Sweet Blessings...
Congratulations on your anniversary! Your items are divine and I would love to be the lucky recipient so please count me in!
Oh congratulations on your year blogging. I love visiting your blog :)I too didn't realise I would have a new cirle of blog friends, it is great to see so many people with the same interests in life. I love blogging and getting an insight into other like minded people's lives. You are so good having a giveaway and I'd so love to win all of those treasures :) So thank you so much for being so kind to allow us all to participate. Oh I hope all goes ok with the attic and it won't be too big of a job.
All things nice...
congratulations....what lovely things to give away......i too am thrilled to have discovered the world of hooked
I can't believe you have only been blogging for one year, you have so many faithful followers! Congratulations, and keep blogging for many years to come.
Insurance companies are a right PITA, grrr. I hope you can get your leak sorted quickly though, we are having such horrible weather at the mo.
Isabelle congratulations on your Blogiversary, I adore your blog it has a very magical, warm, special and genuine feel to it, I love to visit so thanks for sharing it with me.
Ohoooo yes please pop me in the hat, what a lovely giveaway
Happy Anniversary Isabelle!
We started just about the same time and have been following along with each other on our journeys! It has been fun to share with you and I look forward to many more posts!
Take care my friend!
Laura :)
Hi Isabelle, hope all is well with you and yours! Please don't count me in your fantastic giveaway, I've just stopped by for wishing you a very happy blogoversary and many other more! Thank you also for your friendship! xxx
Hello Isabelle!
Thank´s for a lovely and inspiring blog!
I love to read british blogs, a lot of nice english atmosphere;)
I would love to go to one of your Vintage & Handmade Fairs, that would be a dream!
Greetings from
Becky in Sweden
congrats! The first of many more to come i hope! Love reading your blog.
Sal. X
What a lovely giveaway! I'd love to join in!
Sorry to hear about the attic, typical!
OMG, wretched insurers! Well I hope that the final cost isn't too painfull sending lots of money winning cash flow vibes your way. Congratulations on your first blogging anniversery, I too am a newbie but have a good few months to catch up with you. I hope you have many more years of blogging because I really enjoy reading your blog. Can I be cheekily be considered for your giveaway? Well hope everything works out.
Nicky x
Hi there Isabelle!
It's been a pleasure to read your lovely blog and to get to know you!
Hope you have many more happy years,blogging!
Congratulations from me too, Isabelle, and here's to many more years of lovely blogging. Sorry to hear you didn't get the news you wanted on the roof, what a pain!
Love Kate x
Happy 1st bloggie birthday!I always enjoy my visits to your blog.Thank you for being one of the first to visit mine and for all your lovely comments.
Have a good weekend.
Bellaboo :o)
What lovely goodies and a great idea for an anniversary giveaway, might do that myself! Blogging is great I bet the year has flown by, I spend ages reading what everyone is up to and have enjoyed visiting you blog!
fingers crossed for the giveaway
Glad you have enjoyed blogging. I have met loads of new friends through blogging. Sorry to hear about the roof.
Its a pity insurance companies weren't bloggers too!! They'd be so much nicer, and more helpful!!
I have been blogging for just over a year too, and I love it!!It's certainly great fun!!
Sharon xx
Bravo!!!!!!!!! Happy birthday!!!!!
I often spend pleasant time to read your beautiful blog...
Congrats on your first blogyear!!!! I agree, blogland is just a happy place full of nice, talented and generous people. I hope many blogposts will follow! I'm a "secret" reader of your blog and I love it! Thanks for this year full of beautiful posts!!!!
Congratulations Isabelle for the first anniversary of your gorgeous blog! What a great way to celebrate it! Your giveaway is faboulous!
Happy week end!
How lovely...I adore your giveaway treasure. That bag is simply the sweetest thing ever! xoxoxo A million thanks...I would love to enter. xoxoo
Hi hunny....what a fabulous giveaway!!! Congrats on your anniversary....I think blogland is faberooney...I've made so many lovely new friends...
Karen x x x
Lovely give away Isabella. Emma xx
Happy Bloggerversary! An amazing giveaway. Thanks so much!
Isabelle, i am so sorry that your roof leak is not covered...what a huge bummer...i hope the repairs are not too expensive...i am loving the sweet goodies in your giveaway!!!
Happy anniversary!!!
can i be entered please? xx
Hello Isabelle
Your blog is so pretty!...and what a pretty selection of gifts in your giveaway. best wishes to you, love trina
Happy blogiversary and thankyou for such a great blog, I always enjoy reading your posts. Sorry to hear your bad news about the insurance. Have a good weekend.
Ann x
Well done on getting to a year! What lovely treasures too! Have a great weekend! Wend
Congratulations for the first anniversary
Just found your blog and am loving it. I'm new to blogland and have just started one of my own.
Happy first anniversayr
Sorry about the attic Isabelle, that's just typical. At least you now know you can get on and get it sorted yourselves. Congratulations on your one year blogiversary. Pretty please I would love to enter your giveaway.
Hen x
Happy Blogversary Isabelle! What a great give away! But we are all lucky ladies already to have met each other in my opinion too! Hope that you will be posting for quite some time here. Too bad you had such a bummer that your roof is not insured...hope that the costs will be not too high!
What a great giveaway Isabelle! Congratulations on a whole year blogging. Such an amazing thing this blogging is.
I'm so sorry about the damage in the attic.
Happy Anniversary. I am so sorry to hear that your roof leak is not covered, fingers crossed that it won't be too expensive to repair. I really enjoy reading your blog, thank you so much.
hi isabelle, sorry about the house insurance not covering the attic damage.maybe it won't be as bad as you think.. keep up the great blogs!! please enter me in your draw!cheers christine
What a lovely tribute to your Aunt. Family is so important. Most of the art I create is for family members or close friends. Congratulations on your 1st anniversary. A giveaway is a very generous way to celebrate! Thanks for letting us enter! :)
Happy Anniversary - such beautiful items in your giveaway to match your beautiful blog. Here's to another year of success
Happy Anniversary - such beautiful items in your giveaway to match your beautiful blog. Here's to another year of success
What lovely goodies, I'd love to be included in your givaway. What a pain about the attic, typical insurance company.........
Hugs RosieP x
So sorry to hear about your roof.. what a complete pain in the arse...I hope its a minor problem that costs very little... fingers crossed eh!
What a lovely give away I love the heart shaped cushion cover.. and all the embroidered bits and bobs... please pop my name in the hat...
x Alex
Happy Anniversary Isabelle! Wow, what lovelies you are giving away, it would be silly of me not to please count me in! I find it amazing also what a wonderful community this is to have entered and it has really enriched my life. Have a lovely day! Vanessa xxx
happy blogging for the future!! you have a wonderful blog and all the wonders of your world ;0)
Congartulatios for your blog anniversary ! I discovered your blog and fall in love with it ! I love English style and all these romantic things.
Cinzia from Itlay
Dear Isabelle,
you are such a wonderful Blogging friend. Your posts have given me so much joy and inspiration. I'd love to win the giveaway but the true gift is getting to meet you - so I feel a winner anyway. I'm sorry to hear about your roof. I shall have to read back through your posts. I have been in a whirlwind preparing for my sweet, simple little wedding which is next Saturday. It has a theme of Alice in Wonderland in the 70's to it. I shall be very glad when it's all over and I can relax! I hope all is well with your family. Enjoy your weekend, Isabelle. xx
Très "bon anniversaire" à votre blog !
Même si ça ne fait que quelques semaines que je l'ai découvert, j'apprécie mes balades quasi-quotidiennes dans votre univers.
Si j'ai bien compris (et oui, vu que je ne pratique pas régulièrement la langue de Shakespeare, j'ai des lacunes parfois ... LOL) un couvreur doit passer voir le toit de votre maison ?..
Alors, j'espère de tout coeur qu'il va vite découvrir d'où vient toute l'eau.
Have a nice day Isabelle !
Happy Blogiversary. Doesn't time go quickly once you enter the wonderful world of Blogging.
I agree you can meet some lovely people Blogging, friends that can help in all sorts of ways and give each other support.
Sue xx
Am I allowed to enter? XXXxxx
What a lovely giveaway! The bloging community always amazes me with their friendliness and kindness. xx
Congratulations on your blogiversary! I'm glad I found your blog, it's a great read. such a generous giveaway, please add me to the draw! :-)
Congratulations on your blogaversary!
What a lovely giveaway - I'd love to enter.
sorry to hear about the attic - that's just typical isn't it?
congrats on your blogiversary!! i've been following your adventures for some time now - keep going please!
Happy first birthday from me and Humphrey
Such a lot of goodies on offer there you kind soul, especially when you're having problems with your roof. I do hope it's resolved soon
Victoria xx
What a beautiful collection - how can you bear to part with them? Please count me in!
Lucy x
Hi Isabelle,
congratulations on your first anniversary....Wow!
Thank you for following my blog, I am a novice, I get so excited when I see that I have followers, who would have thought, me going international....Well Isabelle, your blog is just beautiful, I wish you many more happy blogging year.
Donna xx
You have such a lovely blog! I love visiting. Please count me in a well.
Your embroidery banner always reminds me of my grandmother, it's so like a piece she did, so of course it is these little associations than draw one to a Blog.
I have enjoyed yours' over the past months. Your first anniversary is a mile stone.
It is a rich rewarding world in the circles of Blogland that we move in.
congratulations on your first bloganniversary!! What a lovely give away. Please count me in
Greetz Renny
Congratulations on your very first Blogoversary! I enjoy your blog very much and am happy to say I have it featured in my "Jolly Good UK Sites" on my blog. Keep on blogging!
Cheers ~
My goodness! How many comments!! I've chosen a good time to try and catch up on some much needed blog reading! Have a wonderful blogerversary, I always enjoy reading your blog when I come over. Best wishes
Congratulations Isabelle !!!on your blogging anniversary.
I am so sorry you had bad news from the Insurance company, I was keeping my fingers crossed for you.
Take care, and have a lovely weekend.
Bridie x
Hey Isabelle,
Congratulations, on your 1 year anniversary!
Please enter me in your giveaway...I would love to win those wonderful gifts!
Have a great weekend...
Big Hugs,
P.S. I wanted to say that I am So sorry to hear about your attic woes and that your attic damage is not covered by insurance. (Gosh, I wonder why not? seems like it should be). I know that is so disappointing to you, and aggravating too. I hope the roofer will be able to fix it very soon. :)
Congratulations on your 1st anniversary, I love it that us bloggers are one big happy family. Please put me in the hat to win those lovely goodies its so generous of you, thank you love Lucey xx
Is the embroidery on your banner & the give away done by you? It is beautiful!!!! Oh I WOULD LOVE to win this. Everything is adorable. And I love the photos on your sidebar. Beautiful colors. Makes me long from spring with the flowers. HUGS! Charlene
happy anniversary! I have just discovered your blog and my what dreamy stuff it holds! Am loving your vintage finds and home inspiration.
So many pretty things in the world!
pop by for some tea!
Happy Bloggiversary/Birthday!!!
Congratulations on your blogversary! It is indeed a great thing to celebrate. Thank you so much for sharing your celebration with us all. I enjoy looking at all of your photos. The ones of your house and yard are spectacular.
Congratulations on your one year anniversary! Blogging is an amazing ride. I have loved everyone of your posts. It's warm and so full of charm and have loved getting to know you and your family thru it!!!!!
so sorry to hear about your roof... doesn't seem right that it's not covered. I would fight it!!!
ohh this is really lovely of you - happiest of bloggie anniversaries too - best le
Hello Isabella,
congratulation to your first year!
You`ve made so lovely give aways!!
I often visit your blog, because of the beautiful pictures you make. I wish you a nice weekend.
Joyeux anniversaire Suzy's vintage attic! Looking forward to more visits of your blog in the next year!
Isabelle x
(a blogless, quiet but regular visitor :o)
Hello Isabelle
Your blog is truly lovely, Im always inspired when I visit and Im so glad you began writing it. Happy 1st Blog Anniversary, its a wonderful milestone - and your giveaway looks delicious, would you please enter me into your draw?
Sending much love your way
Julia x x x
Congratulations on the anniversary of your blog. I would love to enter the give-away of your gorgeous things.
Congratulations on your one year blogging anniversary, Isabelle! Everything in your giveaway is just wonderful! p.s. I'm so sorry about your roof.
Good morning. I know how you are feeling. I have rain in my attic which actually went down to the third floor. Such fun. While the rest of the country is getting snow, it is funny that up here in Maine, where you would expect snow, we had 8 inches of pounding rain. Oh well that is why I make a pot of tea, go to my blogs I visit, and sit back and relax. I agree, the blogging community is such a happy place to go to. Please sign me up for your lovely give away. Thank you.
Isabelle, I love your blog so much! I miss England, the land of my birth, every day, and your blog and its lovely pictures allow me a glipse at my homeland's beauty. Thank you for sharing all of your lovely vintage finds as well- they are the prettiest!
Happy Anniversary, and good luck with your roof!
paintedpinkroses (dot) blogspot (dot) com
Congratulations Isabelle, on your one year anniversary. Sorry to hear about your attic. I hope the news on Monday isn't too bad. What a lovely giveaway , I would love to enter
Oh my what pretty stuff. I hope I win! Your blog is so pretty.
Congratulations Isabelle !
What a beautiful give-away, all those gorgeous things.
Sorry about the roof.
Have a nice evening,
Hi Isabelle, what a lovely giveaway. I love reading your blog and I know I should comment more often. Hope the roof situation is sorted promptly. We are having very heavy rain everyday in Sussex but today the sun appeared and you could smell spring in the air. Karenx
Hello! I just happened to click on your name from a comment you left on someone's blog! Lucky for me! Goodness, I just adore the things you are offering for your first anniversary. Please enter my name, Isabelle!
Very nice to meet you. I hope you'll stop by and say hello sometime.
Hi Isabelle, I've just discovered your lovely blog, very inspiring. What a lovely generous giveaway you're offering. The winner will be one very happy person!! Look forward to reading more in future, hugs Robyn.
I've been blog hopping ... happy blogversary and wow ... what a very generous blogversary giveaway ... simply beautiful!
A few posts further down ... your wall is beautiful, so too your hutch dresser ... simply delightful!
Hi Isabelle.
Sorry to hear that the insurance company dont want to play ball. What a pain for you, we had the same with a toilet that leaked - we had taken out extra water damage cover and they still would not pay out!!!
I would love to be entered into the draw for the lovley goodies.
Happy One Year. I'm quite new to blogging & it's such a great community.
Your attic looks like mine did down south - I'm now on the Isle of Skye where we have to hang on to our roof tiles! It has been the brightest least wet winter here since 10 years :)
I've just discovered your blog and feel we are kindred spirits! I dream of cool England from hot Texas! Congratulations on your anniversary. I look forward to your updates.
Congratulations on your anniversary. Beautiful giveaway!
How sweet of you! Happy blog anniversary! Suzie
Congratulations on your first anniversary.
I only discovered "blogs" several months ago - and what a treasure trove they have proved.
As a result I have (re)learned to crochet, dug out my 1970's Laura Ashley material and started to look at "vintage" with a completely new eye.
Thank you to you and all the other lovely bloggers for sharing (I'm not brave enough to start my own blog though!)
I am so sorry about your roof - I hope the damage is not too disastrous for you. And well done on reaching your blog anniversary - and for such a lovely generous giveaway.
Pomona x
congratulations on 1 year of blogging! That is great! And such lovely prizes too, someone will be very lucky!
Please enter me in the draw also.
Happy bloggy anniversary! You sure have created a lovely place for all of us to visit. And, what lovely giveaways for such a special occasion.
Wishing you a happy blogaversary.
How nice of you to share with your readers.
Hello Isabelle!
Lovely things on your blog...I love all this pink and rosy, flowery giveaways.
thanks to share your blog with all us.
Hi Isabelle,
Congratulations on your first anniversary!! Doesn't time fly when you are having fun?! I'd love to be included in your generous giveaway, thank you!
So sorry to hear the latest news about your roof...Insurance companies have a lot to answer for in my opinion! :(
Take care - have a great week,
Niki x
my name is valeria and I am brasilian. Your blog is so beautifull!!! I,d like to participate the giveaway
thank you and kisses
Hi Isabelle,
I don't enter that many give aways (for some crazy reason??) but I do love your blog much. One thing I get from your blog is a sense of homeliness, comfort and joy. You share with us some of your home and world and it's always such a pleasure to read.
I am definitely loving what you have on offer in this give away...the pieces are completely gorgeous and I'm and my favourite is the rosie purse.
Congrats on your anniversary! Love your blog, hope you have many more anniversaries!
Sorry to hear that the loft is not covered by your insurance company.
Congratulations on your blog anniversary. Wonderful give away which it would be good to included in.
Congrats! enter me! nice giveaway ^^
Ana Belén R.M
I am sooooo excited about the 'give away'......I have nothing won anything, so here's hoping.
Donna x
Enter me, it's a great giveaway
Congrats on your bloggyversary, Isabelle!
Love your blog.
Shame about the attic not being covered on the insurance - know how you must be feeling - am waiting for gas engineer to come to mend boiler as I type and I doubt that will be covered on my gas
contract :(
Thank goodness there is blogland to escape to!
Congrats on your anniversary! This giveaway is great! Ente me please =)
Hi and congratulations on your first anniversary!! Here's to many more as so many of us out there have so much pleasure from reading Sue
Congratuations on your first year, and here's hoping for many more!
taxchyk (at) gmail (dot) com
Happy blogversary!
I love this items, so beautiful =), enter me!
What a lovely give away.
Sorry about your roof problems hope you get it all sorted soon.
Emma x
Oh my goodness, what a lot of comments, I am just squeaking under the deadline. I am in England at the moment visiting my Mum- went to hobbycraft today- Yum.
Congratulations on your blogaversary.I have loved reading you
Louise x
Happy 1st Anniversary! I love your blog! Thanks for letting me join your giveaway - if you have time call by my blog where I am having a GIVEAWAY too - 71 felt squares, I would love you to join!
Good Luck Everyone!!! xxx
Hi congrat's on your 1st year of blogging....I'm new to blogging too and I can echo your sentiments about the warmth and friendliness of everyone i've met in the blogging universe is a wonderfully amazing experience!
glad to be a part of it...and hope to be entered into your lovely's so full of pretty things!!!
ciao isabella...
Happy Anniversary! I would love the chance to win those lovely prizes, please.
Just in time to get a comment in I think. Happy Anniversary! Who knew that blogging could be so much fun?
Hope your little one is on the mend.
Hi Isabelle
Congratulation on your first year of blogging - it feels as though you've been around for much longer than that!
And wow, what a lot of comments for this giveaway post - so here I go, adding my name as number 134 commentor!
Denise x
How did I nearly miss this wonderful giveaway!!! I would love to enter hun!
Thanks and Congrats on SO many Followers after only 1 year!!!
Annie x
Congratulations on your first year! I only became a follower recently and find your blog inspiring!
My goodness I have never seen so many comments left on a post before !! Congratulations on having such a lovely blog and happy first blogiversary x
Well what a happy giveaway it must be very much enjoyed.
Love the tin from Floss.
Lil Bit Brit
Hi Isabelle
Congratulations on your blog anniversary. I adore the wallpaper & your new tin.
Regards Jenny
Hello, Isabelle!
Congratulations on your one-year blogging anniversary. I adore blogging and meeting such wonderful people from all over the world. I have been blogging since 2007, and have cherished every moment of it.
What a fantastic giveaway! You are so generous, and someone is going to be so fortunate to win such special treasures! Thank you so much for the opportunity to win. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Have a wonderful rest of the week!
Hello Isabella,
I`m glad to have found your blog! Every time when I have a look, I enjoy these wonderful things you have and the beautiful pictures you make. Your giveaways also are very nice!
Have a wonderful day
hugs Brigitte
Gorgeous blog and gorgeous vintagy things! xxx
Found your blog during this very long winter and you actually inspired me to begin my own. I just have no idea how to organize it! Its through Blogger, sigh. Sooner or later it will get easier no?
Thanks for the great blog and inspiration.
congrats on your blogoversary!
great giveaway!
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