As mentioned in my previous post, after having looked around Niki's new shop Nostalgia at No.1, I walked just a few yards away to another shop called Number 21. It is owned by Belinda and her husband Wayne. They have a wonderful selection of decorative antiques including some very unique pieces such as wooden prison doors that belonged to the Shepton Mallet prison dating back to the 1600's. You will also find a fine selection of furniture, crystal chandeliers, antique & vintage shoes, cushions, mirrors and other interesting items.
Belinda is an International Design, Marketing and Trend Consultant & Wayne specialises in Architectural reclamation. The perfect combination!
Belinda is very passionate about Shepton Mallet's future and is actively involved in attracting & generating more business and interest in the town centre. She has another blog called A Town in Somerset in which Belinda keeps us informed of new shops or events going on in Shepon Mallet.
Belinda's efforts are paying off. Niki is one of the ones who has decided that Shepton Mallet is 'the' place to open her shop.
After all, it is an ideal location for vintage/antique shops, as the Bath & West Showground (Shepton Mallet) hosts many Antique Fairs and flea markets throughout the year. So remember to pop in to Shepton Mallet's town centre if you are planning on attending an event at the Bath & West. You won't be disappointed!
Number 21 has been nominated Shop of the Month in this month's copy of Country Homes & Interiors Magazine (February 2010)

Congratulations to Belinda & Wayne!
Here is a little tour of the shop...

It is a beautiful photograph, I wonder who she is or was?

Shepton Mallet Prison door dating from the 1600's

Beautiful headboards
So, I may bump in to some of you on one of my visits to Shepton Mallet...
A bientôt!
Isabelle X
You are right what a gorgeous, intriguing photo! those buttons, wow!
I love all that ironmomngery too, brass door knobs are wonderful aren't they?
I really have to venture West to Shepton Mallet. We are always on a mission to get to Cornwall when we pass that way and never take the time to amble! We simply MUST!
Thank you Isabelle, have a lovely Sunday,
Sarah x
I live so close and have never been to Bath, Shepton or Frome to name but a few! I must make the effort and travel and explore further afield...
x Alex
What a gorgeous & charming shop! Thanks for the tour. I loved the huge keys, amazing! xo
Bonjour, bravo à toutes ces personnes qui prennent ces belles initiatives pour faire connaître leurs villages !
Quand nous passons nos vacances en Grande-Bretagne, nous remarquons à chaque fois nombres de petits villages qui savent se rendre attractifs (boutiques, kermesses et célébrations en tous genres) C'est complètement différent en France où, nombres de petits villages sont en train de mourir, malheureusement ...
Désolée pour l'emploi du français, mais c'est plus facile pour moi d'exprimer cela correctement, lol.
Bon dimanche !
Dear Isabelle, I love to imagine who the beautiful lady in the photograph was too! The key is awesome as my Daisy would say. The chandeliers are to die for and the shop looks like heaven. I think I would have a heart-attack in both stores probably. Thank you for the lovely comment. It is so true about how the little ones go through stages. Daisy now says the Wiggles are only for boys and Curious George for babies of three (not big girls of four like Daisy) She likes Snow White, fairy princesses and Cinderella and Barbie. Daisy will spend hours playing with my old barbies. I am a bit sad as she starts big school this week and I will miss her company so much. Enjoy your day. I will soon be off to bed. Another glorious post from you. xx
Thank you for the tour because I won't be getting there myself for a while. Maybe by the end of the year though.... xx
Oooh your first photo drew me in straight away! I love chandliers. And that one is so beautiful.
What an amazing shop, you must want to spend an age to soaking up all that history and past. I agree about that photo, it just make you want to stop and think about who that lady was.
I am also rather taken with those white boots really lovely.
A lovely and interesting post.
lovely post, ive been twice to shepton mallet for christenings- but never took the time or had the time to look around- now i wished i had ;0)xxxx looks a wonderful place for history and nostalgia xxxx
Hello Isabelle
What a delicious looking shop - I would be sure to spend an absolute fortune if I stepped foot in there, well done to them for getting a mention in the interiors mag too, they deserve it!
Hope you are well,
Much love
Julia x x x
oh MY!!! those headboards are incredible!!! i am swooning over here!!!
Such a gorgeous shop!!! How did you resist everything? I love the two tea cups in front of that beautiful photo. There was a white boot, I could do something with that!!! Even their shop front and name are exquisite, thank you for showing us around!!!
Margaret B
I'd love to go shopping with you, both Shepton Mallet and Niki's shop are gorgeous! I love the white boot! Have a lovely Sunday!
Just stumbled onto your blog..Oh the antique stores full of yummy stuff. Love all your photos. Of course would love to visit England..ancestors came from there. Those chocolates and little tin houses are so darling...I will be back. Sally
I like very much, also, to go shopping with you...
What a beautiful shop !Have a Good evening my dear !
The two shops you've mentioned are my idea of heaven, oh to be close to Shepton Mallet. Love the headboards and chandeliers - oh my!
Kate x
Love it all. I mean who doesn't love vintage and all that silver. Thanks for sharing.
I have started to follow No. 21's blog. It is beautiful and the shop looks spectacular. Looks like Shepton Mallet is a quant country town with such wonderful character and community spirit. I watch Escape to the Country and love all the houses in Somerset :) Thanks for sharing. It'll be your turn next to open a shop there :)
All things nice...
I saw the article in Country Living this morning when I was having 5 mins with a cup of tea. Lovely to see around the shop it looks so lovely Louise xx
Lovely shop. I'm hoping one day I get a chance to visit Shepton Mallet as it has some beautiful shops to visit!
You have covered two stunning shops in your last posts. They look to contain exquisite "finds". Thank you for sharing them with us.
What a lovely day out you had, thank you for letting us join you...
Shepton Mallet is on my wish list of lovely places to visit, hopefully soon. What beautiful and precious pretties you have shown us, I adore the keys. Thank you so much for sharing
Thank you so much too for the very kind offer of a faric square for my kitchen project, so very generous of you, I would be honored if you would like to send me one and would make me smile thinking of you being part of my new kitchen.
Meant to say you can email me at vintagedaisy@hotmail.com if you would like to, I can't seem to find an email address for you
Oh how lovely! It would be such a joy, to wander through...
Thank you so much for stopping by my 'Aunt Amelia's Attic' blog, and especially for commenting. By comments, we find other lovely people and their blogs.
Gentle hugs,
Aunt Amelia
I love the photo.... the shop looks wonderful! Thanks for visiting me! Suzie. xxx
What a fabulous little shop to get lost in...
A great shop to wander in, that photo os gorgeous and I love those old keys too.
Lisa x
I would love to visit this shop . It looks full of the sorts of things I would like in my home. Lucky you living so near.
I really do love all the photos that's been posted here, vintage collections are just really great to see.
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