Delicious breakfast smoothie (Freshly made with natural ingredients and keeps me full until lunchtime!)
Well you have guessed it, going back to healthier habits features on my long list of resolutions. For different reasons, in the past year I gradually moved away from healthy eating and more or less stopped exercising! Not good and now I do feel the difference.
I have never been on a diet as I don't believe in them. I love food! Having healthier eating habits is the answer for me. I went on a raw food course in 2008 and found it fascinating, I learnt so much about the importance & benefits of increasing the percentage of raw food in our diet. I wish I had kept it up...in a way it has proved to me how much better I felt when I ate more raw foods and ate fewer cakes and sugary things!
I am going back to increasing my intake of raw foods and having more smoothies and green juices for breakfast. It also means replacing some cakes and chocolate bars with alternatives such as 9 Bar & Nakd (Sainsbury's and health food stores stock them) Meals are important and I will not be skipping any. I am going to cut back on foods which are not helping such as pre-cooked meals, cakes, biscuits and sweets. Oh yes, I do have a very sweet tooth! I won't cut out sweet things all together (Moderation...) but will reduce them by quite a bit.

Maca Powder.
Viridian Organic Beauty Oil
Udo oil
Are some of the ingredients I use in my smoothies & green juices. I can't recommend these oils highly enough.

I don't usually like snack bars but I like these, they are very filling too.
More info on raw foods (Some sites may appear as a bit 'New Age' but don't let that put you off)
Detox your World
Funky Raw
The Fresh Network
Books on Raw Food
Walking is the other important factor. I used to go on a brisk walk an hour a day (3 miles). I must go back to doing that and make the time for it somehow. That will REALLY help make a difference. You do feel so much livelier afterwards and I do miss not feeling as energetic as I used to.
Alan and Miss P were at home because of snow on Wednesday. We took advantage of this by going sledging in a field not far from the house.

It was so peaceful...

We had the field all to ourselves

The peace and quiet was soon shattered when Miss P shouted WHEEEEE down the hill!

Our house can just about be seen in the distance to the right of the tallest tree.

Walking back.
The snow is beginning to melt slowly and today we've had our first postal delivery in 10 days!
Have a fantastic weekend what ever you are up to.
A bientôt!
Isabelle X
Isabelle, it looks so pretty and tranquil there where you live...stay warm:)
Still so much snow.
Good on you with the health kick. I'm hoping to take one a bit more seriously when we move house. No point for me to it now packing and moving is so stressful I need biscuits or I'll go mad with an axe in public or something. ;)
Have a nice weekend.
Love the last photo.
Well done with the healthy eating plans, hope they go well.
I am so trying to eat healthier too..some days are better than others...but at least I am trying. Your snowy wonderland looks amazingly beautiful. No snow here...rain rain rain. Wishing you a lovely weekend. xo
Hi there Isabelle!
Great reminder there! I am trying to cut right back on all the rubbish! I lost weight when I was ill and don't really want to put it on again!
Having said that.. I have just baked...and if I bake I like to sample it!!! ;-)
Have a lovely weekend.
Your healthy eating plan sounds very good Isabelle - interesting links too, thanks.
You still have so much snow! Pretty pictures, especially the last one.
Have a great (healthy) weekend! Jeanne x
Hi Isabelle,
I wish you well with your healthy eating regime.I agree that walking is the best exercise,and it's enjoyable too.Having a dog means we have to go out in all weathers whether we feel like it or not!
Our snow is now being replaced with muddy slush!
Hi Isabelle,
I applaud your good work in the food department. I shall be following suit, but in February, I am always too dejected in January to stick to anything!
Lovely smoothy, yum!
Have a lovely weekend,
Sarah x
The landscape looks so beautiful covered in snow I bet Miss P ad a wail of a time down the hill! We've been making snowmen here and its been great fun. Its the shepton flea this weekend, maybe I'll see you there?
You have inspired me to get on with my healthy eating plan, I have been thinking about it for weeks ! This cold weather hasn't helped, I have craved comfort food rather than healthy alternatives. I like the look of your smoothies with the added ingredients, I might give those a try. Having a dog means I do quite a bit of walking but not enough so I need to make a bit more effort I guess. Thanks for the ideas.
Ann x
A very beautiful last picture, as im my country side. We also take our car since yesterday and we have our first postal to day !!!!!
Spend a marvellousweek-end.
Ohh I fancy a smoothie now!!!
Victoria xx
I love smoothies too! Heard a good quote the other day.... if it grown on a plant eat it....if its made in a plant dont!!
Been a bit weak on the old health kick today tho had that Friday feeling....
And whats wrong with a few cakes.. ? I think I am overdoing it at the moment!! Just back from Seattle where I did over-indulge. You pics are wonderful as usual Isabelle.
Just to be provocative.. look at my food pics from seattle on
Ta ta
Mr Jones
Beautiful wintry photos! I must live healthier too....thanks for the inspiration! ....That smoothie looks delicious! :)
Hi Isabelle,
How beautiful it looks in your world. Without mail for ten days, I can't even imagine it.
I would love to do a little playing in the snow myself. It always feels good to out in the crisp weather, but I don't do it as often as I should. I do have a smoothie most mornings made with blueberries, a banana, organic yogurt and a half cup of skim milk. Soooo yummy, and you are right, it keeps me full until noon.
Dear Isabelle, Thanks for such an inspiring post and all those links! We eat a lot of vegetables (nearly all) raw here. David has done since a child and he looks very young. I wish I had started earlier! Daisy prefers her vegies raw for the crunch. I have to start exercising more although with this osteo-arthritis may have to rethink ballet sadly. The one thing I have found excellent is pure virgin coconut oil. I drink it in water before meals and it helps metabolism and also use for the yummiest smelling body oil, for hands, face everything. It is oily but wonderful and so good for you.
Snow pictures look magic as always. Stay warm. xx
Can't believe you haven't had mail for 10 days! My Paul Mckenna 'Make me Thin' book has just arrived!Wish me luck. Love your posts!
Beautiful pictures with the snow !
Here the snow is almost gone.
Mmm ... I have chocolate cake today.
Have a nice weekend,
Here's to health in 2010, Isabelle!
You put me to shame with your healthy eating - when it is this cold I just crave comfort food! Hope you are warming up now.
Pomona x
I have fallen off the wagon too. Good for you for getting back to healthy living.
Reminds me I have to get home and start the new exercise program with hubby!!!
Dear Isabelle,
I just see your blog for the first time. It´s sooo nice to read here and to see those wonderful photos. Oh yes, I would like to visit you again. Bis bald !
Liebe Grüße aus Deutschland von
Hi Isabelle!
I'm interested in your raw food eating habits, as I spent several years back in the 1980's following Susannah Kenton's "Raw Energy" book.... it certainly does make a difference!
For me at the moment, my focus is on eating more vegan food (we're vegetarians) so I've been searching out lots of vegan recipes.
I hope you have lots of fun going through ten days worth of post :-)
Denise x
Hello Isabelle! I agree with you about healthy food...but I'm just eating chocolate...I cannot resist!!!
What a beauty! The winter landscape is so beautiful!
A nice week to you!
I'm also on a health kick at the moment and i'm thinking, smoothies are the way to go. Really should put my smoothie maker to good use.
Gorgeous pictures!
Take care
Beki xxx
The Duchess of Tea has bestowed a title upon you. Her Grace requests the honour of your presence at the knighting ceremony to be held at Rose Tea Cottage.
The Duchess will be honoured if you accept the award she is presenting you by copy and pasting it on your blog.
Isabelle, that´s a great drink for breakfast, and very nutritious too. It happens to me that, as you, I don´t do diets and also love food, specially sweets!!!
How do you manage to live with all that snow, it´s a lot, very much!!!
Well, I believe it´s part of your life... not for us though.
Muchos cariños,
Maria Cecilia
Well done with the healthy eating plans, hope they go well.
Work from home India
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