Thank you for all your positive comments! Just the kind of encouragement you need when you first start up! I went to have a look at the unit today to see how they have progressed with the work and so far so good! I worked out where plug sockets needed to go and tried to form an idea of where everything else would go.

My sewing table will be by the window.
The room looks so much brighter than before now that a wall has been put up on the right and the room as been painted white.

After speaking with the electrician and Landlord's agent, the carpet man arrived to measure up the room (615 sq ft). I then went to to the carpet shop to look at samples of carpets. You've guessed right, it is going to be costly! :-( No escaping that...all part of the setting up costs.

On the left hand side at the end is likely to be the stationery/packaging area

Room as you walk through the main door, there will be another door at the end of the room on the right.

This is what it looks like on the ground floor (my unit is on the first floor). As I mentioned before, the Anglo Trading used to be a brewery. The building has kept a number of its original features and has to as it is a listed building. That is partly one of the reasons I wanted to have a unit there.
Tomorrow it's back to working on my new website, wording of terms & conditions, Welcome page etc....
A bientôt!
Isabelle X
All very exciting. Phew, that's a lot of carpet!
You're very busy...it'll be worth it though (and the cost) when you're all settled in. Looks a very interesting building.
Isabelle this is so very exciting I can hardly wait to see how you transform that space. I can see the potential of that room already, and look forward to your updates!
Hope it all comes together smoothly for you, love Julia x
It all seems to be coming along nicely!
Victoria xx
Hi, how exciting for you! Best of luck with it all. I can't wait to see it all finished, you are so lucky! Mandy x
Looks like it is all coming together. Really exciting!
Pam x
Just stumbled into you - and looks like I arrived at a good time. The building looks great and I look forward to seeing it progress. All the best
I am looking forward to watching the progress!
Hello again I have been off here for a while too as I have also set up my new online shop, so I know how exciting it can be and to have your own space to make as much mess as you like will be heaven. It looks like such an interesting building. Looking forward to seeing the end result Good luck x jeanetteann
Very exciting Isabelle...can't wait to see it when you're done and your web site too. Lots of hard work but it will be worth it when you're done. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Maura :)
Hi Isabelle, that looks massive. Do you need the carpet? You can't do floor boards? Or, is that just as expensive? The space looks wonderful. And you;ve changed your Blog colour as well. Busy lady. xx
It's all so exciting Isabelle!
It looks fantastic already! Can't wait to see the completed space...
That's a big space. Can't wait to see it dressed with all your things. The window is pretty and even the brewery machines look great all polished! xx
Sounds like a really exciting venture, looking forward to reading the next installment.
Jo xx
Good luck Isabelle with your exciting new venture.
I am sure once all the hard labour parts are out of the way you will be well away.
Wow you will also be very busy!
How cool!
Can't wait to come and see for myself! Good luck
Love the building!Can't wait to see it!Good luck.
That is an amazing space, totally fantastic. I love those deep set windows and the cast iron pillars too.
Hi Isabelle!
I'm happy for your new business.
I know this structure, it is very beautiful and ancient.
I hope to visit it.
A dear greeting, Maria.
(with translator)
What a wonderful space to be creative in - it certainly gets my creative juices flowing. Good luck with your new venture.
It all seems to be going well. Good luck with your new venture.
Here's to exciting times!
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