Today Miss P and I had to attend a court hearing in Bath. Some of you may recall that Miss P was involved in a car accident in April 2009. After the court hearing we walked back to the town centre to have lunch at Cafe Rouge as we were both feeling very hungry.
By the time lunch was over, there was no point taking Miss P back to school. I decided to take this opportunity to have a little Mother and Daughter quality time together.
We had a good system, we took it in turns, one shop that I liked, one shop that Miss P liked.

You can guess who chose to go here, "The Bath Sweet Shop". It is the oldest sweet shop in Bath

Miss P made it known that some of my choices were VERY BORING....until I took her to this book shop called ROOKE BOOKS. It is almost opposite Neal's Yard.

We were given a very warm welcome by Isha, seen here sitting behind the lovely ornate piece of furniture. (Sorry Isha, I moved when I took the photo...)She kindly looked after our shopping bags whilst Miss P & I enjoyed looked around the book shop.

I love the layout and the decor, it really is a book shop with a difference.

The first time that I visited this book shop was about a month ago when Alan took me there saying he thought I'd find it interesting. What I wasn't expecting then and Miss P wasn't expecting today is to find one of these on the first floor....

Or even better, these on the top floor!

Miss P thought these were so COOL and yes, you've guessed it... "Can we have one these in my bedroom pleeease? I had a sit down too...soooo comfy! Miss P declared that this was a great book shop and I have to agree with her!

On our way back towards the car park I stopped at PAXTON & WHITFIELD in search of some hard goat's cheese for Alan.

The selection of cheeses is fantastic! A cheese lover's paradise...
You may like to know that they offer an online mail order service ;-)

I felt like buying a huge Camembert just for the box!

After trying out sampling some cheeses, I left the shop with two different goat's cheeses. I hope that Alan will like them, I certainly did!
Time to head back to the car park.

I never tire of visiting Bath, it has to be one of my favourite cities in the UK.
I wish you all a really good weekend
A bientôt!
Isabelle X
P.S: Thank you for you for all your comments and ideas re: Trampoline on previous post.
I felt like I was with you on your shopping trip in Bath, Isabelle and it was so much fun given I have never been to England!! The shops look like so much fun...I would have loved each one and I am sure I would have found a few things to buy. It looks like you also had a nice sunny day! Hooray for you & Miss P!!
Fabulous shops, I could spend hours in each and every one.
How lovely, certainly is a beautiful city. Just wanted to say, re: Wootton Bassett, that there's not really much there of interest - if going I would combine it with a trip to somewhere like Malmesbury which has a lot more to see.
Have a lovely weekend!
Lucy x
What a lovely tour in Bath !!.thanks for share.......your daughter is a lovely girl !! just like her mom !!..........Have a nice sunny weekend hugs from Ria....
What a lovely trip....I love mother daughter trips..you have made we want to go to our English Candy store..so I think after school today that is where I will head...thanks to you!!!! xoxoxo
Well worth the time off! Thanks for that lovely tour. Be grateful you have a daughter - sons wouldn't accept the 'alternate shops' deal! I think a schoolfriend's husband works in your cheese shop... It's a small world.
Have a great weekend.
Well Isabelle, looks like Miss P and you had a great time!! Lovely shops, well, half of them ;).....it's a fase....those girls don't understand...YET!!!*grin*......
Have a nice weekend!!
what wonderful picture's you take! What a beautiful place.
always reading
Thank you so much for the lovely tour Isabelle. The photos are stunning and Bath is one place I haven't been YET! I see what you mean by thinking of buying the cheese just for the box - that thought would also cross my mind. Thank you for visiting my blog. Happy weekend.
Oh, what fun to follow you and Miss P around on your fun day! Such a beautiful and historic location. I love the shops especially the book store! I think it is nice to have mom & daughter days. Missing some school is not going to hurt her education.
Cherrio until next time.
My Goodness! What a wonderful mother daughter time! Love It!
I just love bookshops, My father worked for Collins and we always had a good supply of reading material when I was a young child and then when I was older my parents opened their own bookshop. I have always had a thing for books and turning the pages to see what comes next, now then where was I - oh yes page 242...
I should shop with you more often, I saved hubs a ton of money today.
Have a beautiful weekend.
TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon
Oh simply lovely, reminds me of 84 Charing Cross Road, I'll just gaze at your pictures all evening.
Hope you had time for Neals Yard too, I love their stuff. That book shop looks really welcoming. I love the Waterstones in Brighton because it has little cushioned window seats where you can get really cosy with a good book.
Miss P is looking very tall and grown up. I remember reading about her accident in your archives. Scary stuff. Love Bath as well but didn't see any of the shops there on our mad few hours we had. It's a lovely city. I love the book shop of course. Daisy would stay forever in the sweet shop.
Enjoy your weekend and I am looking forward to reading about how you boosted your immune system! Must get back to work. David has kindly taken Daisy to swimming class and ballet at the Opera House so that I can work on my book. I couldn't resist sneaking online to see if you had posted a blog. Hurrah! Distraction now over, back to my mystery novel. xx
Hi Isabelle,
It sounds to me like the two of you had a lovely day! I am very happy with the information you gave about Bath, because we will be spending our summer holiday nearby Bath at the beginning of July! Will definetely visit the bookshop!
Have a good sunday!
Lieve groet,
What is it about Bath? I just love Bath I always get drawn to it.
I know the Cheese shop well it is quite near where we stay in Bath - I think
Hugs to you both especially Miss P.
Julie xxxxxx
What is it about Bath? I always get drawn to Bath. The Cheese Shop is quite near to where we stay in Bath.
Hugs to you both, especially Miss P.
I am SO in love with your Blog and beautiful Country. Each picture you post transforms me to instant beauty. I live in a very dry and ugly desert and would give anything to live where you do. Your daughter is a doll. Glad you had such a nice day together ! :)
Rhea :)
I hope the court trial wasn't too taxing an experience for Miss P. They can be quite foreboding places.
Haven't been to Bath for ages. It's a beautiful place.
Lisa x
What a greeat time you had!! I loved all the shops!!! They all looked amazing!!
I think I'll "come shopping" with you more often- all the pleasure, no expense!
So much more fun then school! You would never get me out of the sweet shop!
Ah that was really nice a nice mother and daughter day out, the shops look lovely, Bath looks amazing too steeped in heritage- the shopfronts are amazing. Thanks for sharing :)
All things nice...
Bath is a place I have always wanted to visited but haven't got round to. Reading your post has made me feel like I now really want to go, right now!!!!! Am going to make arrangements in the near future. Lovely pics and a great readxxxxxxx
That looked like a perfect day out. Ive never been to Bath, it looks like a beautiful place to visit X
Thank you for taking us on this wonderful journey through Bath. I adore Bath. Visited often during my Oxbridge years. This post brings back so many merry memories. Here's wishing you, a happy, happy Saturday:-)
Wonderful tour in the shops, Suzy! I'm so sorry that you can not read in my blog!
Have a good w.e.!
Bonjour Suzy,
Looks like you and Miss P had a marvelous time together in Bath. The sweet shop and book store must have been lots of fun for you both!
Good weekend,
Hello Isabelle,
it seems to me that you and your daughter had a nice time in Bath !
Great book shop and those sweets look delicious !
Have a nice Sunday,
I hope you and your daughter have a satisfactory conclusion to the court case. And thank you for the wonderful photos of Bath, reminding me to make another pilgrimage soon! It should be a World Heritage Site for the yummy shops alone! You are so lucky to live where you do. Kindest regards, Mary
That bookstore looks gorgeous! xx
Bonjour Isabelle !
You spent a very nice day in Bath !
What fabulous shops !
Nous ne sommes jamais allés à Bath, mais cela sera "chose faîte" quand nous reviendrons en Grande-Bretagne ! J'aime l'atmosphère un peu surranée de ces villes qui ont passé historique.
J'aime beaucoup l'architecture des maisons.
Passez un bon dimanche !
Have only been to Bath once. Must go again. Glad you had a good day. xx
Thank you so kindly for your beautiful heart felt comments on my blog- i especially loved your comment about your dear friend Madae Worms- you made me want to draw an illustration of her ;0)xx
yourself and your daughter looked like you had a really special day
- the book shop and cheese shop looked like you had stepped back in time.
lovely to spend quality time together best wishes xxxx
x kazzy x
i love going to bath - about 40 mins away for me - i often take my daughter and although i haven't found your bookshop we always come home with some cheese from p and w
It's lovely to have some time together, we have 'Mummy/Eleanor Days' in Bath too. It's such a wonderful city and there's always something new to see. Have a good week
A lovely time spent together, another to store in your memories.
Wow that bookshop....so so lovely, desperate to be there right now! sigh, how I love book shops. Glad you both enjoyed yourselves as courts are no places for lovelies like you two,
Sarah x
Isabelle, OMG what a lovely visit to Bath... on my 'one day' list! :) Your blog is like a eye-candy heaven for me... I can't wait to come back with a big pot of Tea and have a proper visit with you... Thank you so much for coming to find me... :)
I will have lovely dreams tonight from just the few pictures I saw! happy heart...
Greetings from Cyprus,
What a lovely day... I miss living near Bath!
Great post! I too love Bath and I'm very happy since I'm living nearly! Didn't know the cheese shop yet, but it will visit it soon, thanks for the tip!
what a wonderful day you had with Miss P...Bath looks like a gorgeous city to visit...thanks for taking me along!!!
how sweet that you had such a lovely mother-daughter trip. i would love to do that with my mom! your pictures are beautiful.
xox alison
It is always such a pleasure to see my home town through someone else's eyes. I forget how lovely the town is as I rarely go out and shop these days. However I must go and have a look at that bookshop.. a new one to me!
Glad you had a lovely time.. hope the court case went well?
Michele xx
What a lovely city full of interesting shops,and that book shop..well...it would be tempting to spend all day in there, snuggled up in one of those 'chairs'!Nice for you to spend some special time with your daughter and you found things to interest you both,which was lovely.
Bellaboo :0)
What a wonderful books shop! Always good to spend quality time with your children, and nice to remember how lovely Bath is!
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