Thursday 26 November 2009

Sweet Sewing Book

I recently spotted this book on Ginny's blog Sweet Myrtle. Home Sweet Sewn is co written by Ginny and her friend Alice. Just the cover alone made me want to buy it! When I received it, it was just as I had hoped, full of lovely projects and beautifully presented.

Here is a taster.

Lovely, don't you agree...

For now, I'll just have to enjoy the photos as I cannot/won't do any sewing or crafting until the decorating has progressed further. Unfortunately, I am one of those people who has to have the "ideal" conditions in order to feel creative and work better. This means that I cannot stand making things with lots of boxes around me in a half decorated room. I just don't like it and don't feel inspired...

Time hasn't really allowed it either, I am self employed and work from home. When my working day has finished, I spend time with Miss P, do the usual housework chores, then work on the house again (clearing/decorating).

Once everything is in it's right place again and the room looks pretty and peaceful, then my creative juices will start flowing again. Until then, I must be patient.

The decorating has taken a lot longer than we had expected. We didn't realise that the first lot of de-clutter would not be enough. A second round was required and I had to be a lot more ruthless this time.. Not easy for me as I am a hoarder. Having said that, I have found the experience quite satisfying. We are also replacing various pieces of furniture throughout the house and it's taking time finding the pieces we are looking for. We are slowly getting there though. It will all be worth it in the end...

By the way, as it happens, Ginny is a having a giveaway. Two author signed copies of the new book. Check out her blog.

I've been meaning to say, thank you for all your lovely emails and comments about the 3d photos! We've had a wonderful response from far and wide.

A bientôt!

Isabelle X


LiLi M. said...

Thanks for the tip! Have a lovely day, here it is raining cats and dogs!

ginny said...

Hello Isabelle,
thank you for your sweet comment, your kind words and for the links too. i do hope your decorating is going well. i know what you mean about needing a clear space and a clear head to start creating...i am due a big tidy up today! when the conditions are right i do hope you enjoy creating something from Home Sweet Sewn... i have opened a flickr group for the book too so i would love to see any makes...
wishing you a lovely day,
warm wishes
ginny x

Thedarkerside73 said...

That looks like a really lovely book. Just love the tea cosy on the front. So pretty.

We have been decorating in our home too, it seems to of gone on for weeks. Still bits to do, but of course now I see other places in the home that could do with a revamp. Hope everything gets sorted for you soon. I am sure it will be beautiful when you are done.


Julia said...

Dear Isabelle

Im sorry I havent been to visit your blog in a while, life is very busy at the moment but Im glad you popped by mine and left such a lovely comment!
The cold, Im afraid, mutated into a horrid chest infection so I am having medicene and looking after myself - with good intentions to be well enough for the fair come saturday!
The little red riding hood picture will be available as a print and also as cards, it may be after Christmas before it appears on the website as there is much to do, but do keep a look out!
Your book looks fabulous, Im sorely tempted by it myself!

Sending love
Julia xxx

Coco Rose Diaries said...

I picked that book up the other day in the bookshop and thought it was great! I loved the wreath! I had to put it back as funds were lacking but it's another one to go on the never ending wish list! he he! Have a lovely day! xxx

Lisa said...

I hope the decorating and sorting comes to an end soon so you can pursue your creating and crafting. Hope you enjoy the chicken recipe should you give it a whirl.
Lisa x

koralee said...

This book looks amazing. I know life is busy but hoping you will find a quiet moment to slip away and have some me time with your crafts....xoxoxo

Sal said...

It looks the loveliest book...from two of the loveliest people!
I can't wait to own a copy!
Hope you are all well,Isabelle.

Pomona said...

It is a lovely book with some lovely makes - Nina from Tabiboo has just posted about a star she made, which looks very sweet. I have just collected a copy from the library and need to have a really close look at it.

Pomona x

Lori said...

that book looks adorable...the projects are really sweet!!!

BusyLizzie said...

that does look like a wonderful book.. but like you I cannot be creative when my house is upside down! Waiting for a new staircase to be fitted next week, so dreading the mess & dust! lizzie x

Anonymous said...

That book looks so gorgeous, I've had to force myself (LOL) to buy a copy. Can't wait to have a go at the tea cosy. Pam x

Shabby Chick said...

Looks like a beautiful book! I'm sure I would adore the pictures but unfortunately I can't follow instructions or patterns to save my life so I'm not sure I should buy it!

Mel xxx

Michela said...

Hi Isabelle! I'm sorry but didn't have the time to get back to you before, thank you so much for the lovely comments you left me during this week! Hope you can make soon some of those wonderful projects!
P.S.I'm like you...I need order around me!

Victoria - Florence and Mary said...

I have that book on order from the library at the moment and from your taster it looks like one that'll make it's way into my Amazon basket!

Like you I need ideal conditions to create, I can't wait to move after Christmas and have my own craft room. I've just made some cake toppers for my nephews birthday and it was so stressful having to pull things out and cram myself into a corner trying to put everything together!

Victoria xx

Josephine Tale Peddler said...

Dear Isabelle,
I can relate so much! We are in a right mess here and the shelving and storage isn't completed. This means that we have boxes and crap everywhere. Our cottage is very tiny so it's very stressful. Luckily the kitchen has been cleared a bit so we can now sit down to eat finally. We have culled and culled but still need to cull more. It's very hard for me too as I am a hoarder. In particular I hoard books. I find it difficult to cull anything. Some days are tough. When you have a four year old who loves to pull it all to pieces too! And the lack of time is also difficult. I have hardly written anything for a few weeks as I really need to focus on my house. This makes me sad as I love to write every day to feel balanced and whole but it's too hard in this chaos!
Thank you for the sewing book tip. I wonder if it is for beginners? I have also seen this lovely children's vintage style sewing book on Amazon. I'll post the link here and see if it works. I want this one too!
Take Care and enjoy your weekend. xx

Mrs. Cozy Home said...

Love the holly wreath!!!

Anonymous said...

I completely appreciate about having the right conditions to be creative.

Love the book :)


Six divided by two..... said...

Running to get the book now. I love the blog as always.

landcuckoo said...

Hi Isabelle
You have a lovely blog, just found you via Sue at Our New Life in the Country.
I can completely relate to the creativeness not happening in clutter! I have to tidy my workroom every day before I can start work again, Hubby is totally the opposite and only has to make a tiny space then he will get on with the job in hand.
Have this book on my Christmas list, think I may just bump it up a few places now having seen your review and pictures!
Take care and will pop back soon
Sarah x

MelMel said...

Thank you for such a lovely comment...:>))

Its taken me an age to get round to it.....I'm so pleased its done!
Have a super weekend!x

Twyla and Lindsey said...

Oh wow! I just discovered your beautiful blog and I am enjoying my visit here so much! I look forward to getting to know you better. Have a nice weekend! Twyla

Mary Poppins said...

Ohooo Isabelle I really do feel for you, I think though if you took a look at out very much undecorated and unfinished home, you would feel a lot better ;) I am rather getting used to our plaster pink walls, and un painted floorboards, my problem is I get so distracted, and we have so mnay half finished jobs awaiting us.

I can relate to your space for crafting being clear and free of *stuff*, I am the same and can't concentrate if i am not at ease with the space i am working in.

Mmmmm fingers crossed I win the lovely giveway for the beautiful sewing book, I so enjoyed Sew Fabulous Fabric and don't really have the spare pennies yet what with christmas fast approaching, though I could put it on my christmas wish list :)



Fabulous Finds Gal said...

What a lovely book. I wish I was more crafty.

Fabulous Finds Gal

sarah-jane down the lane said...

Hello Isabelle,

Thanks for the tip off about the giveaway. I read Nina's reveiw and instantly knew I should like to own this book! It is on my Christmas wish list!

I am absoloutely the same way as you, I cant possibly settle to anything whilst the world is all topsy turvey. It will be so lovely when you have it all finnished and you can arrange all your goodies again!

Have a wonderful weekend,

Love Sarah x

Heloise said...

Interesting to read about the book. Good luck with your sorting out.

salty pebble said...

beautiful book!! i wouldnt beable to put it down!! lovely post x

Anna said...

That book looks lovely!

Anna x

Bobo Bun said...

I've been hankering after that book after I read Nina's review of it. Just to add to all the other books on my mental list.

Hopefully you'll be straight soon to be craftily inspired again. Loved catching up on your last few posts. Some great shots of the V & H fair.

Mrs B X

menopausalmusing said...

Thank you for the lovely comment on my blog. I popped over to yours (love that book!!!), that then made me wander over to Sweet Myrtle's and oh my goodness, I ended up blog hopping for a lovely half hour............ :O)