Thursday, 15 September 2011


LIFE isn't about waiting

for the storm to pass

it is about learning to 

Dance in the RAIN

(Author unknown)

How true that is.....


Isabelle X


  1. Absolutely! You have a lovely blog! Best regards, Ann

  2. Too true...grab life while you have it...
    Julie x

  3. Hi Isabelle - so very true! Our boys did this literally on holiday - it was getting dark, thundering and pouring, and I could imagine our neighbours in the gite wondering about these terrible English parents who let their sons out in such conditions, but, oh the joy it gave the boys!

    Now, thanks so much for your comment. It shows why your post is very relevant to the two of us, I guess. Like you, it took us ages to see that what seemed like little things were all pointers to one, larger problem, which needed attention. I expect you're familiar with sophrologie, although I hadn't heard of it before coming to France. This year we have packed in some of the medical advice (a psychiatrist who had Son 1 on medication, which we didn't like) and he has just started relaxation sessions with a sophrologue. For him, learning to understand his own strengths, weaknesses, stresses and ways to deal with them, is the way forward, I think. As you say, it's different for each child. I'll be praying for you and your daughter too - thanks for your prayers.

  4. Beautiful and so true - thank you for sharing.

    J x

  5. Love this. I have always loved a rainy day. I'm one of those who will walk slowly in the rain while others are dashing to their car.

  6. A lovely saying and gorgeous picture to illustrate it too!

    MBB x

  7. Love this! And I love your blog! Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog today! :) xx

  8. Lovely...really, really lovely.

  9. That's a brilliant quote! Thanks for your comment, I'm glad you enjoyed my blog!


  10. What a beautiful post x
    Sally x

  11. Simply beautiful words!

    Madelief x

  12. Lovely picture, beautiful quote !
    Wish you a nice weekend, Isabelle !

  13. A perfect quote I try and live by every day!


  14. That is a beautiful quote, Isabelle. I've been reading a lot of Louise Hay lately. She is very new age in her thoughts but I find a lot of wonderful practical advice to live by as well. Life really is about perception at times. Much Love xx

  15. So very true. I can't wait for it to rain now.

    Have a beautiful weekend,

    Nina x

  16. I totally agree...and how skilled one must be to do that! I had posted a similar one on a beautiful print from etsy. You could check it out here:


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment on my blog. I enjoy reading them all! I am sorry if I cannot always reply.
Isabelle x