Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Introducing my new blog: SUZY GABY AND MAUD

Introducing my new blog: Suzy Gaby and Maud. Please click on the link to view it. Thank you

A bientôt!

Isabelle X


  1. Good luck with this- sounds fab, just going to pop over and see

  2. Wow you have been busy, how exciting to have a new project, I wish you lots of luck with it and your new blog is lovely.

  3. Bonjour Isabelle,
    je vous souhaite "bonne chance" dans votre nouvelle aventure.
    Il y aura certainement beaucoup de "travail" mais il sera ponctué, j'en suis sûre, de beaucoup de plaisir, rencontres & partage.
    En attendant de découvrir vos jolies trouvailles : félicitations !
    PS : j'écris sur ce blog car, n'ayant pas de compte chez Mr Google (ou autre) je ne peux y écrire de commentaire :-(((

  4. The very best of luck to you Isabelle, I'm sure you're going to do very well. I shall try and engineer a trip down in October but failing that, nothing gives me greater pleasure than the thought that some of those goodies you've been so tempting us with may well be up for grabs at some stage!!

    Bonne chance!

    Kate x

  5. Wow...that is very, very exciting for you. Good luck and much success to you.

  6. Maybe you should put a link to your online shop on the top of your blog and viceversa so it is easy to move from one to another. Sorry if I say something obvious and you have already done it!

    Love your blog.

  7. The best of luck, Isabelle !
    Nice weekend,

  8. hOW JOYOUS! Good luck isabelle I shall whizz over there now,

    Sarah x


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment on my blog. I enjoy reading them all! I am sorry if I cannot always reply.
Isabelle x