Saturday, 10 April 2010

Keeping everyone entertained over the holidays

How are you all coping with keeping the children happy & entertained during the Easter holidays? It's not always easy is it?....

A couple of days ago a friend of Phoebe's came over to play. After lunch in Pizza Hut we went to the cinema to watch Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang. I have seen the first one 2 or 3 times with Miss P. I like the idea of a Nanny McPhee. There have been times when I have thought: "Oh how I could do with a Nanny McPhee right now" but sadly she has never materialised when I have been in need of her...;-))

I wasn't sure if I was going to enjoy the second film as much as the first one. Although I still think that I prefer the first one I did enjoy this one very much. What helped is that it's set in the 1940's, one of my favourite decades!

The Mother of the 3 children is called Isobel in the story. As soon as Miss P heard that, she shouted out loud in the cinema "Mummy that's your name!". A few heads turned round, I smiled sheepishly...

As the film progressed, I observed the decor of the interior of the house (ignoring the mess), especially the bathroom, master bedroom & lounge. I confess to missing out of some of the dialogue as I was busy studying the wallpaper, furniture & colour scheme! I loved the interior look of that house, the colour scheme (lots of green) was right up my street.

The clothes that the Mother was wearing were gorgeous! Pretty tea dresses.

If you have have children and haven't seen it yet, I would recommend it!

Apart from that there has been a lot of walking, cycling, playing and housework during this holiday so far. Miss P helped me wash all the downstairs windows inside and out today. She did a great job.

Tomorrow (Sunday 11Th) we will having a day out in Dorset to visit the Dairy House Antiques centre for the Vintage Textiles and Costume Day. There will be a selection of beautiful stalls there, I can't wait!

Have a lovely weekend

A bientôt!

Isabelle X


  1. we are off to see it on Monday...i am very excited!! what i love about it is it gives a sense of an old classic film like Mary Poppins etc

    Hark at me...i haven't even seen it yet...but you get what i mean? i loved the first one!!


  2. Hi Isabelle, did you see my blog a few weeks ago about the wonderful covered knitted coathangers that I sold to a set designer for Nanny McP?
    I wonder if they used them??? See you tomorrow, Lizzie xx

  3. We went last week too. Loved all the clothes the mum got to wear and did you notice her button necklace? And the hsop she works in? Oh I loved that!
    Enjoy your day out tomorrow,
    Lisa x

  4. Have a lovely week-end with sun!!!!

  5. I hope I can persuade the kids to see this one! I loved the last Nanny PcPhee, the settings, the clothes - I would love to have her in my house! Thanks for telling us abou it without giving the story line away too much.

  6. We have Nanny Mcphee (the 1st one) on dvd, but have not got round to watching it yet. Is it really good? xxx

  7. thanks for sharing that as i havent even seen the first one yet but will wait til i can get them on dvd- love the interior too- i do that alot in films looking at the room the scene is set in and thinking 'i love that wall paper or colour scheme'...your not the only one hehe ;0)xxxx enjoy ur trip xxxx

  8. Have just got back from the Dairy House...we probably passed eachother!
    Really fab wasn't it

  9. I love Nanny McPhee, i am sure i'd love this one too!!! Only, I don't have anyone to go with!!

  10. Like Kissed by an Angel I don't have anyone to go with either! Do you think it's ok to go without children? I only saw the first one on TV recently despite desperately wanting to see it when it was first released. Hope you had a great day at DH, I was sorry not to be able to go.

  11. You're as bad as me at the cinema watching a film and checking out the interior details.

    Hope you had fun at the vintage fair today.

    Victoria xx

  12. Hello Isabelle,
    Is it suitable for a five year old? I saw the preview of it and thought it looked fab (loved the house!) but I wondered if it was a bit scary for a five year old? I haven't seen the first one. The cinema has been dismal here for little ones over the break. Only two movies and one if How to Tame Your Dragon which is PGR.
    I agree it is not easy entertaining children over the break. I was really looking forward to the holidays to spend time with Daisy but she has been quite a handful. I am now looking forward to her going back! I don't like to race from one activity to another as I like to give her a chance to get bored and develop her imagination a bit but as she gets older that gets harder. I do love playing games with her and doing craft but I admit the parks bore me to death after awhile! If you think it's suitable for a little one, I might take her to it. xx

  13. Have fun at the fair..and thanks for the thumbs up on the movie..may have to go see it. Hugs for a great week. xo

  14. Lovely to see you yesterday Isabelle. Hope you all enjoyed the day.
    Sue x


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment on my blog. I enjoy reading them all! I am sorry if I cannot always reply.
Isabelle x